[https://langenthal.eu]       [ With an protected hologram email system ]

   Berlin    Bonn   Baselworld    New-York   Zürich   Washington  San-Francisco   Bern   Langenthal.eu


    A print shop book comes to every device in the world without installation and maintenance in the current flow. Ein Druckerei-Buchwerk kommt ohne Installation und Wartungen im Stromfluss auf jedes Gerät der Welt (Kernel).


Contact us via ZIP delivery here:





Overview of our products here:

Jetzt sofort innert 1 Stunde per ZIP auslieferbar (darin Kernel, 388 files)!

partial downloads / 5 photos downloads page by page:
very quickly page by page /
fast and with 6000 (or 3000 articles) articles very fast with both shop sizes
see comparison table here: go here



The highest security is now in the ruffle

Central content management via preprocessor technology controlled (included). You can test here:

Content-Management is included (Version Preprocessor).                Operation manual


Messe-Frühling Baselword und
Berlin ExpoCenter City

Gutschein / Coupon


< Information-Center

Go to Rufflesettings Ruffle settings


Drehbares pdf > [ jpg ]

Safest E-Commerce utf-8 for slowest + fastest Mobiles Charakter keyboards Mobiles Scroll to the right

The loadingbar shows
security scan and waiting time by
Apple, Windows, Android!

Builds directly on the world's highest security container "Ruffle" - runs on all Apple OS all Windows all Android

Above: Android Nokia Tab T10 WiFi and Phone C21 Plus in yellow Night-Light the same speed as in iPhone15 - here in

Alle unsere Ruffleshops.de-Artikel sind auf 250 Milliarden Browsern auf 50 Milliarden Geräten passend per «Drag and Drop» aufs eigene Hosting hochladbar und können im Ruffle.rs auf allen mobilen Geräten und Desktop Computern nicht mehr abgeschaltet und auch nicht mehr deaktiviert werden. Erweiterungen beschleunigen Ruffle lediglich.

All of our Ruffleshops.de articles can be uploaded to your own hosting via drag and drop on 250 billion browsers on 50 billion devices and can no longer be switched off or deactivated in Ruffle.rs on all mobile devices and desktop computers. Extensions only speed up Ruffle.

The highest security is now in the ruffle

International Rufflesafe Versions / typisches Europa-Rufflesafe mit Segeo-UI - Regularly with -10% Discount Prices

Der bei 114er-Reihe zum Einsatz kommende 660 KB Kernel ist etwas grösser als der Standard mit 500 KB (mit utf-8, siehe nachfolgende Tabelle) und deutlich kleiner als ein chinesischer und japanischer und liegt im kleinen Standardwert des utf-8 drin und ist somit gleichbedeutend wie ein 500 KB Kernel. (Im Gegensatz zum utf-32 mit einem vielfach grösseren Kernel der grösseren Druckereischriften aus China und Japan).
Mit der Herkunft des Autors oder CMS-Managers ist der Pol anders der Sprachsätze. Diese komplexere polarisierte 114er-Reihe Kernels bringen den anderen als der amerikanische GitHub-Pol des Westens in grosse Freude samt dem Rest des internationalen Angebotes bezüglich Keyboards-Bedienung des Autors unter www.langenthal.eu

    The 660 KB kernel used in the 114 series is slightly larger than the standard 500 KB (with utf-8, look at following tab) and significantly smaller than a Chinese and Japanese one and is within the small standard value of utf-8 and is therefore equivalent to a 500KB kernel. (In contrast to utf-32 with a much larger kernel of the larger printing fonts from China and Japan).
    The pole of the language sentences is different depending on the origin of the author or CMS manager. This more complex, polarized 114 series of kernels brings great joy to the other than the American GitHub pole of the West, along with the rest of the author's international offering regarding keyboard operation at www.langenthal.eu

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Los Angeles
Safe for Mobiles

114 Safe World 660KB Kernel


LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU 660 KB
All TOTALFONTS1 included :
Try the World Edition here. So that
everyone at the back can type in the
address using their own keyboard.

114 18005 Segeo-UI-Regular US$ cart

114 18005 Segeo-SEM-UI-Semibold US$ cart

114 18005 Segeo-BOLD-UI US$ cart

114 18005 Segeo-BLACK-UI US$ cart

18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000 articles


Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 114:
114 Euro € 660.–

Output Report May24

iles list here

Discount 10% 2024-promotion from March to December 2024

CHF-EUR-US$ CUR so freely selectable

Rufflesafe version Segeo Rufflesafe promotional price EUR € 594.00
please chance in your financing panel the setting Currency EUR with USD overwrite EUR 594.00 with USD 594.00 - our account is an USD Dollar $ account.

Get a 20% Juno discount (roses month):

If you purchase on exactly the following days, you will receive a 20% Juno discount (Rosenmonat). Simply replace 594.- after QR scanning with the amount 528.-

Friday 2024-03-08 114 Segeo UI -20%
Friday 2024-03-15 114 Segeo UI -20%
Friday 2024-06-30 114 Segeo UI -20%

Between March 8th and 30.6 is the valid purchase date when transferring money in these two weeks for receipt for 528.- US$ EUR € or CHF-Fr.

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Paris
Safe for Mobiles

114 Safe World 660KB Kernel


LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU 660 KB
All TOTALFONTS1 included :

Try the World Edition here. So that
everyone at the back can type in the
address using their own keyboard.

114 18005 Segeo-UI-Regular EUR cart

114 18005 Segeo-SEM-UI-Semibold EUR cart

114 18005 Segeo-BOLD-UI EUR cart

114 18005 Segeo-BLACK-UI EUR cart

18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000 articles

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 114:
114 Euro € 660.–

Output Report May24

iles list here

Rabatt 10% 2024-Aktion vom März bis Dezember 2024 innerhalb Europa wohnhafte CHF-EUR-US$ CUR also frei wählbar / Rufflesafe-Version Segeo Rufflesafe Aktionspreis EUR € 594.00 in EURO €

Bei Kaufdatum genau an folgenden Tagen gibt es 220% Juno discount (Rosenmonat). Einfach 594.- nach dem QR-Scannen ersetzen mit dem Betrag 528.-

Freitag 8.3.2024 114 Segeo UI -20%
Freitag 15.3.2024 114 Segeo UI -20%
Freitag 30.6.2024 114 Segeo UI -20%

Zwischen dem 8.3. und 30.6. ist gültiges Kaufdatum bei Geldüberweisung in diesen zwei Wochen für den Erhalt für 528.- US$ EUR € or CHF-Fr.

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Paris
Safe for Mobiles

114 Safe World 660KB Kernel


LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU 660 KB
All TOTALFONTS1 included :
Try the World Edition here. So that
everyone at the back can type in the
address using their own keyboard.

114 18005 Segeo-UI-Regular CHF cart

114 18005 Segeo-SEM-UI-Semibold CHF cart

114 18005 Segeo-BOLD-UI CHF cart

114 18005 Segeo-BLACK-UI CHF cart

18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000 articles

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 114:
114 Euro € 660.–

Output Report May24

iles list here

Rabatt 10% 2024-Aktion vom März bis Dezember 2024 innerhalb der Schweiz und Deutschland wohnhafte CHF-EUR-US$ CUR also frei wählbar /
Rufflesafe-Version Segeo Rufflesafe
Aktionspreis CHF 594.00 in
Schweizer Franken

Get a 20% Easter discount:

Bei Kaufdatum genau an folgenden Tagen gibt es 20% Juno discount (Rosenmonat). Einfach 594.- nach dem QR-Scannen ersetzen mit dem Betrag 528.-

Freitag 8.3.2024 114 Segeo UI -20%
Freitag 15.3.2024 114 Segeo UI -20%
Freitag 30.6.2024 114 Segeo UI -20%

Zwischen dem 8.3. und 30.6. ist gültiges Kaufdatum bei Geldüberweisung in diesen zwei Wochen für den Erhalt für 528.- US$ EUR € or CHF-Fr.


finished 001 - 015 with Safe-Keyboards as like as the articles 031-045

Central content management via preprocessor technology controlled (included). You can test here:

Content-Management is included (Version Preprocessor).                Operation manual

since 2023-04-14 all Transformer-Buttons
were replaced with 2 new Buttons in all originals
(not in Ruffle-Light-Versions, only in Full-Versions and Ruffle-Safe-Versions)

International Rufflesafe Versions / typisches Europa-Rufflesafe mit untenstehenden Artikel-Nummern (016 / 071 / 082 / 061 / 102 / 103) sind der Standard der heutigen hohen internationalen Anforderungen für das Managen des 1200seitigen Buchwerkes dessen 6000 Artikeln mit Artikel-Texten. Siehe blaue Tabelle aufgeführte Zusatz-Zeichensätze [Link].
      International Rufflesafe Versions / typical European Rufflesafe with the article numbers below (016 / 071 / 082 / 061 / 102 / 103) are the standard of today's high international requirements for managing the 1200-page book with 6000 articles with article texts. See the additional character sets listed in the blue table [Link].

For customers with keyboards outside Western Europe and English keyboards (016 / 071 / 082 / 061 / 102 / 103):
Für Kunden mit keyboards ausserhalb West-Europa- und Englisch-keyboards (016 / 071 / 082 / 061 / 102 / 103):

go to www.langenthal.eu for all (016 / 071 / 082 / 061 / 102 / 103)
(for all outside Europe / USA)


Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Los Angeles
Safe for Mobiles
Arial MS Unicode


LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU 500 KB
All TOTALFONTS1 included :
Try the World Edition here. So that
everyone at the back can type in the
address using their own keyboard.


016 (or 003) Arial Regular

016 Calibri (new)

016 (or 005) Myriad Pro Semiext

016 Myriad Pro Black Cond (new)

016 Myriad Pro SemiBold (new)

016 (or 004) Segeo Print

plus reserve alternative:
6 MB Desktop Kernel not for mobiles

TOTALFONTS2 included *)
*) All our Kernels are generally only 460 KB in size!
So here’s a Ruffle Test Center exception!



Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 016:
016 US Dollar $ 660.–

files list here




Examples of mailings
for shopping carts 016



Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Paris
Safe for Mobiles
Arial MS Unicode


LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU 500 KB
All TOTALFONTS1 included

Try the World Edition here. So that
everyone at the back can type in the
address using their own keyboard.


071 (or 008) Arial Regular

071 Calibri (new)

071 (or 010) Myriad Pro Semiext

071 Myriad Pro Black Cond (new)

071 Myriad Pro SemiBold (new)

071 (or 009) Segeo Print

plus reserve alternative:
6 MB Desktop Kernel not for mobiles
TOTALFONTS2 included
*) All our Kernels are generally only 460 KB in size!
So here’s a Ruffle Test Center exception!



Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 071:
071 Euro € 660.–

files list here




Examples of mailings
for shopping carts 071





Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Swiss Tourisme
Safe for Mobiles
Arial MS Unicode


LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU 500 KB
All TOTALFONTS1 included
Try the World Edition here. So that
everyone at the back can type in the
address using their own keyboard.


082 (or 013) Arial Regular

082 Calibri (new)

082 (or 015) Myriad Pro Semiext

082 Myriad Pro Black Cond (new)

082 Myriad Pro SemiBold (new)

082 (or 014) Segeo Print

plus reserve alternative:
6 MB Desktop Kernel not for mobiles
TOTALFONTS2 included
*) All our Kernels are generally only 460 KB in size!
So here’s a Ruffle Test Center exception!



Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 082:
082 CHF Fr. 660.–

files list here





Examples of mailings
for shopping carts 082


International Rufflesafe Versions / typisches Europa-Rufflesafe mit untenstehenden Artikel-Nummern (1 - 15) sind beim Textfüllen auf die westliche Tastaturen hin beschränkte Kunst-Schriften-Familien-Zeichen begrenzt frei nach Wahl für untenstehende 6000-Artikel-Beschriftungen gemäss international dann auf der ganzen Welt lesbaren Artikelbeschrieben. Im Adressfeld hinten herrscht aber Arial Universal (alle internationalen Fonts aber im Adressfeld enthalten) vor und sind gemäss Tabelle [Link auf zweiter Zeile bei «Arial und alle Fonts unter Article»] bei jedem Adressfeld-Zeichen international um den Globus eingestellt.

     International Rufflesafe Versions / typical European Rufflesafe with the item numbers below (1 - 15) are limited to the Western keyboards when filling the text with art font family characters of your choice for the 6000 item labels below according to international then on the Articles that can be read all over the world. However, Arial Universal predominates in the address field at the back and according to the table [Link on second line «Arial und alle Fonts unter Article»] with each address field character set internationally around the globe.


For customers with Western European and English keyboards (1 - 15):
Für Kunden mit west-europäischen und englischen keyboards (1 - 15):

Products Rufflesafe 001-015 adressfield page cart (message on last page)
are then possible for language regions around the world and for CMS (for programming articles
with Content-Management) only for customers with Western European and English keyboards
(1 - 15) limited to choiced West European and English Character set (keyboard) below.

Produkte Rufflesafe 001-015 Adressfeld hinten sind dann für Sprachregionen
auf der ganzen Welt möglich und für CMS (zum Programmieren von Artikeln
mit Content-Management) nur für Kunden mit westeuropäischen und englischen Tastaturen
(1 - 15) begrenzt auf den west-europäischen und englischen Zeichensatz



Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIPLos Angeles Safe 001]

Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles MV-Boli 001
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles MV-Boli 001
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles MV-Boli 001
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles MV-Boli 001
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [001]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee
check here again:
check 001-Zip

Encrypted-Version and
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive]

Definitely check the delivery of
001 Encrypted Rufflesafe here

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 001:
001 US Dollar $ 660.–

check here again:
check 001-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIPLos Angeles Safe 002]
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Helvetica
Bold 002
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Helvetica
Bold 002
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Helvetica
Bold 002
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Helvetica
Bold 002
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [002]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee
check here again:
check 002-Zip

Encrypted-Version and

with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive]

Definitely check the delivery of
002 Encrypted Rufflesafe here
Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 002:
002 US Dollar $ 660.–

check here again:
check 002-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIPLos Angeles Safe 003]

Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Arial
Regular 003
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Arial
Regular 003
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Arial
Regular 003
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Arial
Regular 003
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [003]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee
check here again:
check 003-Zip

Encrypted-Version and
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive ]

Definitely check the delivery of
003 Encrypted Rufflesafe here
Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 003:
003 US Dollar $ 660.–

check here again:
check 003-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIPLos Angeles Safe 004]
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Segeo
Print 004
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Segeo
Print 004
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Segeo
Print 004
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Segeo
Print 004
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [004]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee
check here again:
check 004-Zip

Encrypted-Version and
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive ]

Definitely check the delivery of
004 Encrypted Rufflesafe here
Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 004:
004 US Dollar $ 660.–

check here again:
check 004Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles

[ZIPLos Angeles Safe 005]
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Myriad Semiextented
Semiextended 005
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Myriad Semiextented
Semiextended 005
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Myriad Semiextented
Semiextended 005
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Los Angeles Safe
for Mobiles Myriad Semiextented
Semiextended 005
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [005]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to

our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop
No guarantee
check here again:
check 005-Zip

Encrypted-Version and
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive ]

Definitely check the delivery of
005 Encrypted Rufflesafe here
Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 005:
005 US Dollar $ 660.–

check here again:
check 005-Zip





Examples of mailings
for shopping carts 001-005


Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Paris Safe 006]

Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles MV-Boli 006
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles MV-Boli 006
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles MV-Boli 006
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles MV-Boli 006
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [006]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee
check here again:
check 006-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive]

Definitely check the delivery of
006 Encrypted Rufflesafe here

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 006:
006 Euro € 660.–

check here again:
check 006-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Paris Safe 007]
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Helvetica
Bold 007
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Helvetica
Bold 007
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Helvetica
Bold 007
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Helvetica
Bold 007
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [007]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee
check here again:
check 007-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive ]

Definitely check the delivery of
007 Encrypted Rufflesafe here
Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 007:
007 Euro € 660.–

check here again:
check 007-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Paris Safe 008]
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Arial
Regular 008
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Arial
Regular 008
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Arial
Regular 008
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Arial
Regular 008
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [008]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee

check here again:
check 008-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive ]

Definitely check the delivery of
008 Encrypted Rufflesafe here

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 008:
008 Euro € 660.–

check here again:
check 008-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Paris Safe 009]
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Segeo
Print 009
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Segeo
Print 009
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Segeo
Print 009
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Segeo
Print 009
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [009]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee

check here again:
check 009-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive ]

Definitely check the delivery of
009 Encrypted Rufflesafe here

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 009:
009 Euro € 660.–

check here again:
check 009-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Paris Safe 010]
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Myriad Semiextented
Semiextended 010
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Myriad Semiextented
Semiextended 010
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Myriad Semiextented
Semiextended 010
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Paris Safe
for Mobiles Myriad Semiextented
Semiextended 010
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [010]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee
check here again:
check 010-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive ]

Definitely check the delivery of
010 Encrypted Rufflesafe here

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 010:
010 Euro € 660.–

check here again:
check 010-Zip






Examples of mailings
for shopping carts 006-010


Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Swiss Tourisme Safe 011]
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles MV-Boli 011
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles MV-Boli 011
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles MV-Boli 011
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles MV-Boli 011
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [011]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee
check here again:
check 011-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660– inclusive ]

Definitely check the delivery of
011 Encrypted Rufflesafe here

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 011:
011 CHF Fr. 660.–

check here again:
check 011-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Swiss Tourisme Safe 012]
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Helvetica
Bold 012
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Helvetica
Bold 012
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Helvetica
Bold 012
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Helvetica
Bold 012
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [012]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee
check here again:
check 012-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive ]

Definitely check the delivery of
012 Encrypted Rufflesafe here

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 012:
012 CHF Fr. 660.–

check here again:
check 012-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Swiss Tourisme Safe 013]
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Arial
Regular 013
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Arial
Regular 013
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Arial
Regular 013
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Arial
Regular 013
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [013]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee

check here again:
check 013-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive ]

Definitely check the delivery of
013 Encrypted Rufflesafe here

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 013:
013 CHF Fr. 660.–

check here again:
check 013-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Swiss Tourisme Safe 014]
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Segeo
Print 014
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Segeo
Print 014
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Segeo
Print 014
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Segeo
Print 014
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [014]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee

check here again:
check 014-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive ]

Definitely check the delivery of
014 Encrypted Rufflesafe here

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 014:
014 CHF Fr. 660.–

check here again:
check 014-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Swiss Tourisme Safe 015]
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Myriad Semiextented
Semiextended 015
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Myriad Semiextented
Semiextended 015
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Myriad Semiextented
Semiextended 015
Server 3
Automatic quick Login included
Shop Swiss Tourisme Safe
for Mobiles Myriad Semiextented
Semiextended 015
Server 4
with Safe-Keyboard
for article [015]
with 10 rush hours secure
parallel Logins to
our Rufflesafe-Ruffleshop

No guarantee

check here again:
check 015-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and
with Safe-Keyboard

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 660.– inclusive ]

Definitely check the delivery of
015 Encrypted Rufflesafe here

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 015:
015 CHF Fr. 660.–

check here again:
check 015-Zip





Examples of mailings
for shopping carts 011-015

Download langer Bildschirmschoner

Bildschirmschoner short


Above: since Sept-2022 Member of GitHub

Last weekend A. Lützenberger has helped GitHub with correcting the release of 2023-06-24 and I was 6 hours at 17.00 finish -then later 02.45 the GitHub corrected for 50 Mrd devices

Andreas Lützenberger

Download original Scripts here (formatting software 2 minutes each)

since 2023-04-14 all Transformer-Buttons
were replaced with 2 new Buttons in all originals
(not in Ruffle-Light-Versions, only in Full-Versions and Ruffle-Safe-Versions)


Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIPLos Angeles 031]
Shop Los Angeles
for Mobiles 031
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Los Angeles
for Mobiles 031
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in
No guarantee
check here again:
check 031-Zip

Encrypted-Version and

[completion Encrypted finishing
both for 620.– inclusive]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 031 here:
031 US Dollar $ 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 031-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIPLos Angeles 034]
Shop Los Angeles
for Mobiles 034
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Los Angeles
for Mobiles 034
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in
Helvetica Bold-
check here again:
check 034-Zip

Encrypted-Version and


[completion Encrypted finishing
both for 620.– inclusive]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 034 here:
034 US Dollar $ 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 034-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIPLos Angeles 037]
Shop Los Angeles
for Mobiles 037
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Los Angeles
for Mobiles 037
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in
Arial Regular-
No guarantee
check here again:
check 037-Zip

Encrypted-Version and

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 620.– inclusive ]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 037 herre:
037 US Dollar $ 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 037-Zip



Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIPLos Angeles 040]
Shop Los Angeles
for Mobiles 040
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Los Angeles
for Mobiles 040
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in
No guarantee
check here again:
check 040-Zip

Encrypted-Version and

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 620.– inclusive ]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 040 herre:
040 US Dollar $ 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 040-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIPLos Angeles 043]
Shop Los Angeles
for Mobiles 043
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Los Angeles
for Mobiles 043
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in
Myriad Pro Semiextended-
No guarantee
check here again:
check 043-Zip

Encrypted-Version and

[completion Encrypted finishing
both for 620.– inclusive ]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 043 herre
043 US Dollar $ 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 043-Zip


Examples of mailings
for shopping carts
with US Dollar $

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Paris 032]
Shop Paris
for Mobiles 032
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Paris
for Mobiles 032
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in
No guarantee
check here again:
check 032-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]

[completion Encrypted finishing
both for 620.– inclusive]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 032 here:
032 Euro € 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 032-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Paris 035]
Shop Paris
for Mobiles 035
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Paris
for Mobiles 035
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in in
Helvetica Bold-
No guarantee
check here again:
check 035-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]

[completion Encrypted finishing
both for 620.– inclusive ]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 035 here:
035 Euro € 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 035-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Paris 038]
Shop Paris
for Mobiles 038
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Paris
for Mobiles 038
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in in
Arial Regular-
No guarantee
check here again:
check 038-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]

[completion Encrypted finishing
borh for 620.– inclusive ]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 038 herre:
038 Euro € 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 038-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Paris 041]
Shop Paris
for Mobiles 041
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Paris
for Mobiles 041
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in
No guarantee
check here again:
check 041-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]

[completion Encrypted finishing
both for 620.– inclusive ]
Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 041 herre:
041 Euro € 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 041-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP Paris 044]
Shop Paris
for Mobiles 044
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Paris
for Mobiles 044
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in in
Myriad Pro Semiextended-
No guarantee
check here again:
check 044-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]

[completion Encrypted finishing
both for 620.– inclusive ]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 044 herre
044 Euro € 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 044-Zip



Examples of mailings
for shopping carts
with Euro €

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP SwissTourismus 033]
Shop Swiss Tourismus
for Mobiles 033
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Swiss Tourismus
for Mobiles 033
Server 2
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in
No guarantee
check here again:
check 033-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and

[completion Encrypted finishing
both for 620– inclusive ]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 032 here
033 CHF Fr. 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 033-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP SwissTourismus 036]
Shop Swiss Tourismus
for Mobiles 036
Server 1
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Swiss Tourismus
for Mobiles 036
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in
Helvetica Bold-
No guarantee
check here again:
check 036-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]

[completion Encrypted finishing
both for 620.– inclusive ]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 036 here:
036 CHF Fr. 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 036-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP SwissTourismus 039]
Shop Swiss Tourismus
for Mobiles 039
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Swiss Tourismus
for Mobiles 039
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in
Arial Regular-
No guarantee
check here again:
check 039-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and]

[completion Encrypted finishing both
for 620.– inclusive ]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 039 herre:
039 CHF Fr. 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 039-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP SwissTourismus 042]
Shop Swiss Tourismus
for Mobiles 042
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Swiss Tourismus
for Mobiles 042
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files in
No guarantee
check here again:
check 042-Zip
[Encrypted-Version and]

[completion Encrypted finishing
both for 620.– inclusive ]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 042 herre:
042 CHF Fr. 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 042-Zip

Ruffle-Product 6000articles
[ZIP SwissTourismus 045]
Shop Swiss Tourismus
for Mobiles 045
new with key-
board-character and

LZMA Kernel 12V CPU:5-12 GPU
Shop Swiss Tourismus
for Mobiles 045
18'005-times pointed
Ruffle-Product 6000articles
no individual menus
no taxes
with 71 files
in Myriad Pro Semiextended-
No guarantee
check here again:
check 045-Zip

[Encrypted-Version and

[completion Encrypted finishing
both for 620.– inclusive ]

Buy Encrypted Rufflesafe 045 herre
045 CHF Fr. 660.–

look at last article Full-Version
(an paket 2 Kernels) list here

check here again:
check 045-Zip


Examples of mailings
for shopping carts
with CHF-Fr.

Android extensions give you something to think about: here is the solution for 50 billion browsers. Log in to Google's paradise in Edge or Chrome on the desktop with your ~@gmail.com, then install the Ruffle.rs extension with the Chrome button on www.ruffle.rs, then synchronize, then also on that Activate tablet and smartphone synchronization and thus inherit from the Ruffle settings.

Tip: Use Safari on iPhone (without extension) - use Android Internet browser on Android (without extension) - and otherwise use Firefox on mobile (without extension)

Erweiterungen bei Androiden geben zu denken: hier die Lösung für 50 Milliarden Browser. Loggen Sie sich in Edge oder Chrome am Desktop mit Ihrer ~@gmail.com ins Paradies von Google ein, dann installieren Sie die Erweiterung Ruffle.rs mit dem Chrome-Button auf www.ruffle.rs, dann synchronisieren Sie, dann auch auf dem Tablett und Smartphone synchronisieren aktivieren und so vererben von den Ruffle-Einstellungen.

Tipp: Safari bei iPhone verwenden (ohne Erweiterung) - Android-Internet-Browser bei Android verwenden (ohne Erweiterung) - und sonst bei Mobiles Firefox verwenden (ohne Erweiterung)

Positioning 2024 with two important aspects (so far only the SSL2 socket ruffle with the world standard security of all 50 billion devices in the world was known). A new addition is the graphics PHP with Ruffle on the Internet! And Ruffleshop is a flagship product in the American Ruffle Project. One of thousands to come.

On a Pallasfahrt afternoon, as CEO of the world trade product Ruffleshop.de (company A4Web .de Switzerland, patent ™Preprocessor® 2019), I researched what the world trade Ruffleshop brand market positioning actually looks like. Derived from the positioning of Ruffle-Socket-SSL2

In the Badi restaurant I remember the decisive statement of mine «Ruffle is from the hosting processor CPU unfolding directly to all 50 billion devices in the world on its GPU graphics processor and replaced a missing important graphic element of php, namely graphics -php on the internet.

So what used to be Adobe Flash Professional with a faulty SSL structure like the other HTML structures in financing, including today using SSL and https, was the end for Flash with its errors.

"Ruffle", on the other hand, is built up from processor to processor and is controlled directly by each device by a GitHub consortium (it's called the Ruffle Project - GitHub a subsidiary as a consortium of all Microsoft devices standing there).

I was talking about the red line earlier on Jimmy Carter and Brezhenev's satellites. These are also available today. Ruffle is the device manufacturers' red line for graphics PHP delivery around firewalls. In the smartphones and all devices in the world inside all device manufacturers in the world.

A Ruffle manufacturer like me sees the red line on a special script that leads to Silicon Valley and GitHub. So this is the daily monitoring of the devices when people are targeting Ruffle objects on the internet browser daily:
The photo above shows the Ruffle-Socket-SSL2 directly implemented in the browser on a website, as it is then monitored from America for every device.

So my graphic positioning of my book Ruffleshop is a flagship product for the Ruffle Project graphic positioning of PHP, which opens up graphic PHP for the world security market for all mobile devices and desktops in the world.

For the first time, IT staff can no longer only use php for math databases and forms and financing in hosting, but also browse with Ruffleshop and Ruffle as the basic graphic in the form of my flagship product Ruffleshop Buchwerk with 1200 pages in 2D.




Positionierung 2024 mit zwei wichtigen Aspekten (bisher bekannt war nur das SSL2-Socket-Ruffle mit der Weltstandard-Sicherheit aller 50 Mrd. Geräte der Welt). Neu hinzu kommt die Grafik-PHP mit Ruffle ins Internet hinein! Und Ruffleshop ist ein Vorzeige-Produkt im amerikanischen Ruffle-Project. Eines von tausend Kommenden.

An einem Pallasfahrten-Nachmittag recherchierte ich als CEO des Welthandelsproduktes Ruffleshop.de (Firma A4Web .de Schweiz, Patent ™Preprocessor® 2019), wie die Welthandels-Ruffleshop-Marke-Markt-Positionierung eigentlich aussieht. Abgeleitet von der Positionierung von Ruffle-Socket-SSL2

Im Badi-Restaurant erinnere ich mich an die entscheidende Äusserung von mir «Ruffle ist von Hosting-Prozessor CPU direkt auf alle 50 Milliarden Geräte der Welt auf dessen GPU-Grafik-Prozessor sich entfaltend und ersetzte ein fehlendes wichtiges grafisches Element von php, nämlich Grafik-php im Internet zu bringen.

Was früher also Adobe Flash Professionell war mit fehlerhaftem SSL-Aufbau wie die übrigen HTML-Aufbaus im Financing u.a. auch heute noch so per SSL und https, dies war für Flash mit seinen Fehlern das Ende gewesen.

«Ruffle» hingegen ist aber von Prozessor zu Prozessor sich aufbauend und wird direkt von jedem Gerät kontrolliert von einem GitHub-Konsortium (man nennt es das Ruffle-Project – GitHub eine Tochter als Konsortium aller Geräte von Microsoft da stehend).

Ich redete von der roten Leitung früher über den Sateliten von Jimmy Carter und Breschenjew. Heute gibt es diese auch. Ruffle ist die rote Leitung der Geräte-Hersteller bezüglich Grafik-PHP-Übertragung rund um die Firewalls herum. In den Smartphones und allen Geräten der Welt drin aller Geräte-Hersteller der Welt.

Die rote Leitung sieht ein Ruffle-Fabrikant wie ich an einem speziellen Skript, welches zum Silicon-Valley und GitHub hinführt. Dies ist die tägliche Überwachung der Geräte also, wenn die Menschen Ruffle-Objekte täglich im Internetbrowser ansteuern:

Das Foto oben zeigt den Ruffle-Socket-SSL2 direkt in der Implementierung im Browser auf einer Webseite, wie er eben dann überwacht wird aus Amerika für jedes Gerät.

Meine Grafik-Positionierung meines Buchwerks Ruffleshop also ist für das Ruffle-Project-Grafik-Positionierung von PHP ein Vorzeigeprodukt, welches Grafik-PHP eröffnet für den Welt-Sicherheits-Markt für alle mobilen Geräte und Desktops der Welt.

Erstmals können ITler im Hosting also nicht mehr nur php für Mathematik-Datenbanken und Formulare und Financings benutzen, sondern auch mit Ruffleshop und Ruffle als Basis Grafik in Form meines Vorzeigeproduktes Ruffleshop Buchwerk mit 1200 Seiten in 2D blättern.




The miracle with the rise in an initially called app in a world application called Ruffle SSL2 of all 50 billion devices in the world directly implemented and for at least 30 years running everywhere and updated daily by GitHub world security authority without costs without maintenance

Specialists are very rare, like the associated Ruffle products (in the past we talked about apps offered in stores within the old SSL). Also the latest cheap offers from the same consortium - hardly visible for smartphone favorites and cell phone owners to generally guess. The expansion course of the Microsoft subsidiary's GitHub has long been known to experts and AI opponents and has been publicized in the media.

All legal steps, including the world patent 2019, were prepared prophylactically for future global success by CEO Andreas Lützenberger

All are computer scientists and but no Ruffle. Just today with my third purchase June 2023 from Nokia Tablet (before after iPhone 7 Plus 2014 Nokiasmartphones double purchase 2022) I am with Ruffleshop.de in three divisions Rufflelight.com and Rufflesafe.com in the expansion course worldwide with Microsoft. A few days ago I was still laughing: Microsoft would have nothing worth mentioning as accessories besides keyboards, WLAN cameras, headsets and mice. But just a few days later I realize that I also have accessories, of all things from the world giant supplier itself, according to my specialist knowledge, Ruffleshop is also part of the total accessories but of all device manufacturers similar to Logitech, for example, like the three Nokias.

No one really understands where I am positioned in the world market - except myself and a few overseas experts in California

Andreas Lützenberger June-2023 Switzerland

Das Wunder mit dem Aufstieg in einem beginns gerufenen App in eine Weltapplikation namens Ruffle SSL2 aller 50 Mrd Geräte der Welt direkt nachimplementiert und für sicher mal 30 Jahre überall laufend und von GitHub-Weltsicherheitsbehörde ohne Kosten ohne Wartungen sich täglich so selbst aktualisiert

Fachkräfte sind wie die dazugehörigen Ruffle-Produkte ( früher redete man innerhalb des alten SSL in Stores angebotenen Apps ) sehr selten. Auch die vom gleichen Konsortium neusten Geräte-Billigangebote - kaum ersichtlich noch für Smartphonelieblinge und Handybesitzer allgemein zu erraten. Der Expansionskurs des GitHub der Tochter von Microsoft ist den Fachleuten und den KI-Gegnern längst bekannt und in Medien publik.

Alle juristischen Schritte samt Weltpatent 2019 wurden prophylaktisch für einen kommenden Welterfolg präpariert von CEO Andreas Lützenberger 

Alle sind Informatiker und aber keiner Ruffle. Gerade heute mit meinem dritten Ankauf June 2023 von Nokia Tablet (vorher nach iPhone 7 Plus 2014 Nokiasmartphones Doppeleinkauf 2022 ) liege ich mit Ruffleshop.de in drei Sparten Rufflelight.com und Rufflesafe.com im Expansionskurs weltweit mit Microsoft. Vor paar Tagen lachte ich noch: Microsoft hätte nichts Ernennenswertes als Zubehör neben Tastaturen, WLAN-Kameras, Headsets und Mäuse. Aber schon paar Tage danach begreife ich, ich habe auch Zubehör, ausgerechnet auch von dem Weltgigantenanbieter selbst, Ruffleshop gehört nach meinen Fachkenntissen auch zum Zubehör total aber aller Gerätehersteller ähnlich etwa Logitech wie die drei Nokias.

Niemand begreift wirklich, wo ich positioniert bin auf dem Weltmarkt - ausser mir selbst und paar Fachkundigen im Ausland in Kalifornien

Andreas Lützenberger June-2023 Switzerland



Nacht-Radar Kanton Bern

Delivery-List here –

Check your number here:





























